How to Recycle blogs?

Save WP Blogs! Recycle them! check this link:

Ever since I tried to get my second blog on Wordpress, I have found this idea especially ridiculous that even unused blogs cannot be recycled automatically. In my bid to fix this,I laid out a plan that would fix it all. Read this post to know what is needed to be done.

Carrot, Egg or Coffee??

Hope out of adversity

When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest, do you elevate
yourself to another level? How do you handle adversity? How do you handle yourself??
Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

Even Jailing Criminals can hurt the Economy

Jailing criminals is good, is it not? Not when its over-done. Read about how the laws are manipulated to jail a greater amount of people and how is that severely hurting the economy while failing to curb the crime. Also read and suggest alternate ways to counter such problems which the developed world faces today.

Understanding Kaizen and 5S : Japan’s widely acclaimed Key to Competitive success

This Article covers understanding what Kaizen and 5S basically mean, how and when they are supposed to be practiced, how they are instrumental in the success of an organisation and the importance this receives from the management. After going through this, you might feel that it is very basic and similar to its other English counterparts but on further dissection it would be clear that these are simply varied derivations of each other.